Tuesday, August 26, 2014

22 Week Apt

Had my 22 week apt. last week. I am now almost 23 weeks.  Things went good, babies heart rate was 150+, my blood pressure was good. I have gained 9 lbs so far. We talked about my Ultrasound, everything was good except for the fact that her cord connects to the placenta very close to a venous lake. Which is essentially a blood clot or pool of blood on the placenta. Its not abnormal to have venous lakes but it can be a issue if you have a low lying placenta (I don't, mine is up at the top of my uterus) or if the cord is close to one....Well that's our current issue. I will have a follow up ultrasound @ 29 weeks to check on the placenta and cord and depending the results of that ultrasound we might have to see a MFM doctor.  Dr. Bell told me not to worry and that its usually not an issue but that's easier said than done. Thankfully we have a Doppler and I can hear her h/b whenever I want and she moves like crazy so that's always a good feeling :-)

I went to the premiere peek place downtown and got some pics of baby A. :-) She is just too damn cute! She was face down for her and she had her hands up by her face most of the time but we still got a few pics. My belly is growing, we have most of the essentials bought, and I started a diaper stash. I have been in touch with some blood cord banking companies, we will decide if this is something we do in the next few weeks.

I go back 9/26 for my glucose test and a shot of RhoGAM.

Induction booked for 12/19!!

Here are a few pics

Ultrasound 19 weeks (left)    21 weeks (right)

Monday, August 4, 2014


We had our Ultrasound today! I am 19w4d. It went Great. I was honestly a little scared because you never know what you will see. I kept telling Jason how scared I was LOL. We could have gone to Aspirus Rhinelander or Wausau. Dr. Bell recommended Wausau since they have a 3D ultrasound machine so thats where we went. (Rhinelander is suppose to get one one the near future) Baby looked good, all the body parts were there inside and out.  Her measurements were pretty close to what we were given initially. The doctor will call us in about 3 days to go over everything but she looked good. When the tech was trying to see between her legs she couldn't see since she had her legs closed tight but she finally got a good view and was able to confirm she is a she :-) So the blood test was correct, which makes me super happy since I love her name but we are going to keep it a secret form the FB world....Sorry guys we have to keep something a surprise.  Here are a few more pics, they printed some and we got a disk with some pics too.
Hands in front of her face, you can see the cord in this one


She looks so comfy in there! 

Almost a full body

2D Profile

I am so excited for her to come! Next Apt is in a few weeks, where I will have to work my magic on Dr. Bell to induce me before Christmas :-)