Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Almost 34 Weeks! Its been a while!!

Its been a while since I updated my blog! So here goes.....Follow up ultrasound to check on babies placenta went great! The cord is far enough from the edge of the placenta that we wont have any issues. My placenta does have an extra little "lobe" on it that they will need to be sure gets delivered  but otherwise she is good to go!

I don't even think I announced her name to the blog world, But its Aria Locklyn. I think it goes well with Akadia and Alea and I didn't want her to be the odd ball out without an A name :-)

Here is a pic of her..isn't she cute?!?!?! (appox 30 weeks)

We got tons of Maternity Pics taken, I did a little mini session with the birth photographer and then Jason and I did some together with Jen @ Ruby Photographer and then I did more with Jen alone. Here are 2 that I got back so far. I will share more once I get them!

Here are my 32 week Belly pics. 

We went back to the ultrasound place in town to see if we could get a better look at Aria, but now instead of being in a ball she has a face full of placenta!! 

I will be 34 weeks tomorrow (thurs) I have an apt then as well. I am excited to be getting closer!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

26+ Week Update

Moving right along.... Just over 26 weeks now. I had a little trip to the birthing center Thurs to check for leaking amniotic fluid, but thankfully I wasn't. Baby was good, bouncing all around in there.

Tues I am going to go meet a birth photographer and Friday I have an OB apt, I will have my glucose test then as well. So a busy baby week ahead.

26 weeks

I don't think they could strap me in any tighter! And I cant wait to put my belly ring back in! LOL

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Quick update

Seems like forever since I have been to the doctor!! I like Dr. Bell's hands off , keep your pants on approach to pregnancy. LOL I finally go back on the 26th :-) I will be 26 weeks on Thursday! Only 94 days to go!!! :-)

I started my Placenta Encapsulation training. Its so interesting. I am super excited to get my first placenta!!! LOL Ahhh the things that excite me!

Anyways, is was my 24 week pic...I will take another on Thursday @ 26 weeks (She has certainly grew since this picture!!!)   :-)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

22 Week Apt

Had my 22 week apt. last week. I am now almost 23 weeks.  Things went good, babies heart rate was 150+, my blood pressure was good. I have gained 9 lbs so far. We talked about my Ultrasound, everything was good except for the fact that her cord connects to the placenta very close to a venous lake. Which is essentially a blood clot or pool of blood on the placenta. Its not abnormal to have venous lakes but it can be a issue if you have a low lying placenta (I don't, mine is up at the top of my uterus) or if the cord is close to one....Well that's our current issue. I will have a follow up ultrasound @ 29 weeks to check on the placenta and cord and depending the results of that ultrasound we might have to see a MFM doctor.  Dr. Bell told me not to worry and that its usually not an issue but that's easier said than done. Thankfully we have a Doppler and I can hear her h/b whenever I want and she moves like crazy so that's always a good feeling :-)

I went to the premiere peek place downtown and got some pics of baby A. :-) She is just too damn cute! She was face down for her and she had her hands up by her face most of the time but we still got a few pics. My belly is growing, we have most of the essentials bought, and I started a diaper stash. I have been in touch with some blood cord banking companies, we will decide if this is something we do in the next few weeks.

I go back 9/26 for my glucose test and a shot of RhoGAM.

Induction booked for 12/19!!

Here are a few pics

Ultrasound 19 weeks (left)    21 weeks (right)

Monday, August 4, 2014


We had our Ultrasound today! I am 19w4d. It went Great. I was honestly a little scared because you never know what you will see. I kept telling Jason how scared I was LOL. We could have gone to Aspirus Rhinelander or Wausau. Dr. Bell recommended Wausau since they have a 3D ultrasound machine so thats where we went. (Rhinelander is suppose to get one one the near future) Baby looked good, all the body parts were there inside and out.  Her measurements were pretty close to what we were given initially. The doctor will call us in about 3 days to go over everything but she looked good. When the tech was trying to see between her legs she couldn't see since she had her legs closed tight but she finally got a good view and was able to confirm she is a she :-) So the blood test was correct, which makes me super happy since I love her name but we are going to keep it a secret form the FB world....Sorry guys we have to keep something a surprise.  Here are a few more pics, they printed some and we got a disk with some pics too.
Hands in front of her face, you can see the cord in this one


She looks so comfy in there! 

Almost a full body

2D Profile

I am so excited for her to come! Next Apt is in a few weeks, where I will have to work my magic on Dr. Bell to induce me before Christmas :-) 

Monday, July 28, 2014

18+ weeks!

Sorry for Slacking! Here is my update :-D

Time is flying! I am 18w 4 days. This pic was taken @ 18 weeks.

 All is well. Had an OB Apt on Friday. Heart rate was 154. I had the UTI from freakin hell. I told Dr Bell I was counting down the hours to see him so I could get some drugs. He gave me some funky bladder numbing medication and an antibiotic. Bless his heart, it was so bad I could hardly walk!

I am beyond excited for 8/4! We have our Ultrasound apt. We will get to confirm she is a she and that everything is A-Ok. Then I have her co sleeper to put together and some clothes shopping to do. But I am going to wait until Monday just to be sure :-)

I am feeling her move more and more which is nice. Usually in the morning she is all balled up to one side which is weird. :-)

I am going to try to talk Dr Bell into inducing me on 12/19...I think he will (He better! LOL) Hospital policy is not before 39 weeks so I will just make the cut off at 39w2d

Thats about all for now.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

15 Week Heartbeat and Belly Pic

I just love this sound so much! Its great that you can listen to the baby at home, especially for control freak me where 4 weeks is way too long between appointments! I went a little overboard on the ultrasound gel so ignore my sloppy tummy ;-)
I am trying to figure out how to put all my belly pics under one blog post and still keep them in order since its nice to compare them. (I doubt I will be saying that when I'm 38 weeks! LOL)
I have found my office is the ideal location for belly pics...Its always clean, I'm always there and the walls are pretty!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Just an update

I had a doctors apt last week. It went great. Overall I am down 1 lb :-) I will take that with a smile on face! Blood pressure was good and her heart rate was 160.

We ordered her Stroller last week as well. Its a Quinny Buzz (in black). I like it, lots of different positions plus it looks cool. That should be here sometime this week. :-)

This morning I woke up with a huge lump to one side of my stomach. It was definitely the baby. :-) Kinda neat since I haven't felt movement yet. (I am 15 weeks now)

We have our "Big" Ultrasound on Aug 4th @ 10:15, it will be very interesting to see if the gender test was correct! (It better be, cuz she has a pretty cool name! LOL)

A friend of a friend is opening a new 3d/4d ultrasound place downtown so I am sure I will have the urge to go there before 8/4!! LOL I don't know for sure when she is opening but she said soon!

Lets see, what else is new??....Jason jumped out of an airplane a few days ago, thankfully he landed safe and sound! We are still looking at houses....We are both kinda sold on this one particular house but I have moved so much lately, its expensive, I'm pregnant, and I hate moving...Ahhhh decisions, BUT I do LOVE it and so do the girls (And let me tell you they are picky with their houses!) The girls dad is still down in Madison, so our schedule has been goofy but we will have a busy holiday weekend and hopefully the weather will be nice!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Gender Tests and 13 Week Bump

We did 2 different tests to determine the gender of the Baby. The first checked for the presence of a Y chromosome (Boy) in my blood. I had to get blood drawn and then it was shipped off to Canada. They were pretty speedy. They emailed us the results just a few days later. Here is what we got.

Then I went and got this urine boy/girl test at Walgreens. People swear by this test so I thought why not it cant hurt and we can see if it matches up with the blood test. Sure enough...Girl it is :-D If it was a boy it would have been a greenish/brown color. Our anatomy ultrasound will be in July so we will get final confirmation of girl, but I am pretty confident its a girl. 

I am now 13 weeks. I feel pregnant, sleeping sucks, I haven't gained any weight, so far so good.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Father's Day

Tomorrow will be my first Father's Day without my incredible dad. Dads are a crucial part in a daughters life. Daughters need an amazing, confident, selfless dad to watch them grow, protect them, lead them on the right path and to take care of them. I am happy to say that Jason and I will be welcoming a little girl into our hearts :-) I am excited to watch Jason and this baby girl have the same incredible relationship that I was able to have with my Dad. Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

29 Weeks to go...

All is well with us!  We had another ultrasound last week. We got to see the babies little arms and legs moving around on the screen. It was pretty cool! Jason got to meet Dr. Bell for the first time too :-)  We are so excited. We also got to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler. I bought a Doppler at home and was able to pick up a heartbeat at about 8w4d so we were a step ahead of the doctor. Its nice to be able to listen to the baby at home :-) Here is the pic from last week; crazy how you can see arms, and legs and a head!

We have  boy name picked out and a few ideas for a girl name. I bought a gender kit from Canada that will tell us if its a boy or a girl.  The labs went out earlier this week. We should hear back next week!  eeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!

I also had the urge to buy something for the baby so we bought this awesome sucker! I just love it!!!! Its crazy high tech and looks awesome too!

That's about it for now. We go back to the doctor on 6/27.  I think about how yummy a bloody mary, a glass of Moscato, a Mikes hard lemonade and a strawberry daiquiri are going to taste in 6 months!! LOL

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Well apparently God has other plans for me…If you recall my natural mid cycle lining check on 4/2 was 3.2. (Very thin) My IP’s chose to find another surrogate. I was told by my agency to wait a few cycles, get another lining check and we can get re matched.

Well surprise!! I AM PREGNANT!!! TOTAL EFFEN SHOCKER!! One cycle off meds, thin lining and basically no hope and this girl gets pregnant!! Are you kidding me?!?!?! I was told this is next to impossible by one of the top doctors in the United State of America!  But leave it to me to make the impossible happen.

I took a pregnancy test on 4/16, 2 lines show up. I am literally shaking. I txted Jason a pic of the test. He said he doesn't see 2 lines…(I didn't even look at the pic before I sent it) I said well IDK what you see but I see 2 lines and this is all your fault!!! LOL
I wanted to call my dad so bad since he would have words of wisdom for me. But I can’t do that so I text Katlin and tell her “I have a big problem” she calls back right away and I tell her “I’m pregnant!!” She goes “OHHHHHH BOY!!!!” 

She comes over and we wait for Jason to get home. He still doesn't believe me. I had a stock pile of like 10 pregnancy tests for my surrogacy and I had some digital ones.  Katlin wants me to pee on one, I’m so damn scared to pee on one but I did and sure enough it spells out “Pregnant” Yup that confirms it…The shock continues.

I called the clinic they want me to wait until May 15th for some nurse intake thing. I said I’m sorry but I want betas (blood work), u/s and I am not waiting for the 15th for anything. The appointment lady says ok I will have a nurse call.

The nurse calls me and says “lets get you some open hcg orders” I tell her…I like you guys already!! LOL So that day I get my blood drawn…I had no idea how many DPO I was, but it came back at 70 which anything about 25 is pregnant. The number is supposed to double every 48 hours.

I leave feeling good and thinking hummm ok we can do this, it will be fine. Jason’s shock is wearing off and we are warming up to the idea.  

Now that we are both warmed up to this baby idea…it better be a BOY!!! LOL I think they don’t squeal as loud as girls. :-) 

Now its Tues…which is also acupuncture day. I was very excited for this because I wanted to see her reaction. She always checks your tongue asks if anything is new…I tell her: I'm Pregnant! She says no way and proceed to give me a high five! LOL I said Welllllll I wasn't supposed to get pregnant with my own!! LMAO But I told her I do think she played a role in this!

At 3:00 I decided it would be a good time to go get my blood drawn…so much for waiting until Friday which was my original plan!  HCG was 695!!!!! Holy smokes! Yup definitely growing a baby in there! 

Now I’m eating a meatball sub, Piper is driving me crazy and I want nothing more than to post this on my blog but my plan is to wait until after Mother’s Day. So for now I have to type to myself. :-) 

It’s now Weds 4 /23….I should be 4w5d or so. I woke up feeling like I was on a damn boat! Hopefully that doesn't become a normal thing! My plan is to get a beta on Monday. I would be pretty close to 10,000. Then the following week I can get an ultrasound and I can finally tell all you people! I am so excited to have Jason tell his mom and sister!!! I think they will be happy. I am still in my Surro FB group even though I am the black sheep surrogate, they still like me, plus it’s my group so no one can boot my anyways! *Giggle*

Thurs 4/24….I told my girls today I am pregnant. I asked them if they wanted to know some exciting news. Akadia goes what? Your pregnant?? I said Yup!! I didn't get hardly any reaction. Then I said “AND its ours to keep!!!” Then they both squealed with excitement! Whew, glad that was over with and they were good with it.
I still feel like I wake up on a boat every morning but at least it goes away fairly fast.
Nothing too exciting happened on Friday. Just lots of work like usual.

On Sat 4/26 I just didn't feel right. I started to worry so I went into the Clinic to get my beta drawn. They said they wouldn't have the results til Monday…I so I didn't end up getting them drawn. I went to the walk-in to get checked out. They were so confused with the surrogacy meds, my lining and the timing, (Rhinelander!)  but they drew my blood my HCG went up to 2,200 (yay) and did an ultrasound. During the ultrasound they discovered a cyst on my right ovary…This isn't the best thing to have while preg (or so Im told) They also did a vaginal u/s. They saw the gestational sac. No fetal pole yet. They said it’s still little a early. Still no actual due date. They were going to send all my docs to Dr. Bell in Wausau to review and get back to me on Monday.

So that’s where we sit now, I am definitely pregnant, levels are rising nice. Now we just have to figure out this cyst.

Well now its Monday: 4/28. The doctor called while we were on our way to Escanaba today. He wanted me to go in and get a stat beta HCG….Well we were half way to MI. I said can I go in tomorrow?? The answer was no they want it as close to 48 from the last test as possible. Ok well that totally sucks, so we turn around. (I sure have a good boyfriend!)  Bell’s nurse call me to check to make sure we turned around. I said yes. Now she calls me a 3rd time ask if I got it drawn yet and if I realize I am RH-. I told her yes I am aware of that and yes I got it drawn. She say my labs are still in progress and she would call me soon. That was 1.5 hours ago….Still waiting! Ugggg I hate waiting!!!
Their concern is a possible ectopic pregnancy in addition to the intrauterine pregnancy. Not a cyst.….JOY, not what I want to hear. But they are still trying to figure everything out. So I am waiting…STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

She called….AND, its not in yet!! WTF?? she said will call in the morning. Totally sucks. Oh well…Here’s my assessment according to the phlebotomist I talked to when I ask how the machine works that reads the levels  (Control freak in me coming out again) If it’s under 500, its done very quick over 500 it can take a while, because they have to run it through multiple times the higher it is. So If I was at 2200 on Sat it should be above 4000 today. Fingers crossed and I will leave this on a positive note…Until tomorrow, or sooner if I feel the need to type later.

The doc called at 930 this morning! (4/29) HCG was……4,550!!!! Whhooowhhooo! They were going to run my progesterone off of the blood from yesterday to check that #. I have to go in again tomorrow at 3 for another beta. It should be over 9,000. (Fingers crossed!) Then they will schedule our ultrasound for early next week (Or so I am hoping!!!) I’d like to know my due date also…I am going with Christmas according to my calculation, even though Akadia said “really mom? Christmas? Really? That is like the WORSE day ever to have a baby and what about Florida? Are we not going now?!?!?”  Oh the joys of kids…and a mouthy one at that! 

Another Beta was drawn on Weds…..They called me Thurs Morning. It was only 6600. My progesterone was 19.5 (This is a good, anything over 15 is needed to maintain a pregnancy. The beta *should* have been higher, however, they didn't seem too concerned. They want ANOTHER beta in Monday morning…..

Over the weekend I had some slight spotting….certainly put a rain cloud over my weekend because its not normal to bleed while preg. However, its was very minimal but it still freaks me out.

It’s now Monday Morning. I went in 8:50 to get the labs drawn. I feel like I could puke sitting her waiting for them to call. Between the blood and not so high beta results I am still not feeling too hopeful. UUUGGGGG CALL ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow I'm shocked LOL J Happy though! I have to now get another lab to confirm I am RH- (due to the spotting over the weekend)  I already know I am but they don’t. Wausau is the only one that can do that test stat. So Now I’m in Wausau, they drew my blood, I ate and stopped at some of my houses….2 hours later I’m still waiting…I don’t think that’s stat but oh well at least I can still work wherever I go.

My Ultrasound is set up for Weds 5/7 at 11 am in Rhinelander. I am excited for this. Hopefully my nerves will settle some and I can chill, but for today I’m just a pin cushion with all these labs!

I got my shot of Rhogam…We cut it very close to the 72 hour time frame but we did it.
 I had a fair amount of bleeding and pain on Tues the 6th. L I called in and they wanted me to come today for the ultrasound instead of weds. So all day I am freaking out…since the apt isn't until 345!!! I had to drive down to Weston since that's were Dr Bell was working.  I get there totally nervous…they call me in I tell the tech how freaked on am and I was pissed that Jason couldn't come.  She puts in the wand…I see the sac but nothing else..I ask, is there anything in there?!?!?!?! She goes yup, tilts and wand and hello little baby!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! We can even see the little flutter of the heartbeat. Heart rate was 115 J HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF!

Dr Bell then came in and talked to me..This is our first face to face meeting ( I closed a deal for him but never brought up that I was pregnant) He about fell over! It was priceless! He was like you need to come over and see the place the code is still xxx lmao!! It was nice. Lightening the mood some. He did tell me I have SCH (Sub chronic hematoma) which is where there is a pocket of blood under the placenta. It usually will resolve itself by 20 weeks. I get to skip the pre OB apt…Thank god. LOL Dr Bell has me coming in on the 30th   for another Ultrasound. Jason will be with me for that one.  So for now I am just on weight restrictions of 20 lbs, pelvic rest and no exercising

Sunday is Mother’s Day. We will finally get the chance to tell Jason’s mom and his sister…I am excited for this!!! 

So fingers crossed for this baby and that s/he continues to develop and we will have a special little Christmas present!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Available Uterus

I have a uterus up for grabs if anyone wants it. My lining was a 3.2 mm mid cycle…I was taking OPKs but never got a peak reading, look at these things, they are all over the place.

 However, the ultrasound confirmed I had 11 follicles on the left side and 4 on the right, with a dominate egg on both sides. Which meant I was going to ovulate soon (The lining is thickest right before ovulation) Weird thing is I was still only getting high readings (not a peak) for 5 days AFTER the u/s. Then I ran out of OPK’s so I stopped testing. Lining can naturally thicken a lot in 5 days so I maybe should have waited a few days to go in?? Who knows,  but on the plus side the fluid was gone, and I know my body works :-)  

My IPs choose to find a new surrogate. I was honestly expecting it but I was still sad to hear, especially since we spent 6 months getting here to only try once. I know lots of ladies who are on try 3 and 4 L I do wish them the best of luck because I know they want this more than anything, plus they are awesome people. We plan to stay in touch and remain friends J  My agency, IM and I all agree that my IUD was the culprit of this. I was on it for a long time and it thins out the lining of the uterus to prevent anything from sticking to it. (Which it obviously did what it was intended to do) It can take a few natural cycles to rebuild the lining. I am going on natural cycle 2. Hoping for a good one!

So now I wait to for another cycle and new IPs to come along J

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Yesterday sucked :-( We got up early to get my lining checked in Green Bay and it was a 5.34 however there was more fluid than lining. So the whole cycle got cancelled. You can see in this u/s pic where they measured. The black is Fluid, white is lining. We needed it to be a 7.

 I have been doing everything humanly possible to get this lining thick. At least the nurse that measured my lining check gave Jason and I a little lesson in the Endometrium lining so now I can read future ultrasounds much better. The fluid was there at my last lining check on 3/10 but not at the first one on 2/25. So the fluid could be old blood or a response to the Lupron or Estrace...Who knows, I can't speculate at this point. But I do think waiting for my period to come and starting over with a new plan (new meds) is the best choice. They make Patches, shots and vaginal viagra. So I will be curious to see what the next plan is.

Lining issues are somewhat common and I know lots of girls that have gone through this or are going through it now. Most of them re cycle and they are fine. I haven't had a period in years so this could have been why as well. I was instructed to stay on the Nuva Ring...So every 3 weeks put in a new one so I wouldn't bleed...Hindsight, maybe one period could have been good. But Again I will drive myself nuts thinking could of, should of, would of. The plus side is that I have 2 kids and have been pregnant before so I am not broken.

Telling my IM was the worst. I felt so bad, I still feel so bad. Where did we go wrong? uuuggggg  Holding back the tears has been tough.

So now we wait for AF (Internet lingo for your period)  to arrive...They said 10-14 days I am hoping for like tomorrow?? LOL I can wish right?

I have an acupuncture apt on 3/24, then weekly for the next 4 weeks. This is a key thing to aid in thickening lining and increasing blood flow to the uterus according to countless hours I have spent online reading about lining.

I also gained about 7 lbs from this med cycle so maybe T25 is in the future...I bought it a while ago and it still sits in the box under my TV.  At a minimum it will give me something to do when I would usually be reading, talking, FBing surrogacy stuff. Its really consumed my life, which I LOVE, and still do just not the roller coaster ride that comes with it.  Although I can't complaint because my ride has been WAY shorter than my IP's 6 year struggle...Then to make matters worse my IM's husband being deployed. My heart really does break for them :-(    *tears* I am thankful that I do have Jason to talk, bitch, cry, vent, complain, and bitch some more to. He really has been great because I have been an interesting person the last month! LOL We were eating Dinner and I said "Jeez I am probably a pretty bad girlfriend huh?" Of course he doesn't think that but I know not just any man could deal with me. :-D

2014 has sucked for us in so many different ways. If we end up transferring now in late April Early May at least the baby will be born in 2015 and GOOD FREAKIN BYE 2014!

So here's to getting my period and starting fresh.....Its going to be a long 10+ days

Monday, March 10, 2014

Dumb Uterus

Today was suppose to be my last lining check....Well that didn't go as planned. It was 4.1 back on Feb 25th and today I was a 4.7 (Or 4.4 they told me one # and RMA another) But either way it wasn't 7+ which is what it needs to be to transfer the embryos. So the transfer on the 18th is cancelled.

I started on Estrace (estrogen) initially @ 1mg, 2 twice a day orally. Then, it was increased 6 days ago to 2 mg 2 times a day orally, Now they up'd it again 2 mg, 3 times a day vaginally. Hopefully that will be the trick (you would think since its closer to my uterus...) I will go back on March 17th for another u/s and we will know if we can transfer this month still.

I was soooo mad/sad/pissed this morning I feel like I like my IPs down :-( I got some reassurance after a few surrogates in my Facebook group had or are going through the same lining issues. Sometimes meds just don't work the same for all people.

I know my body works just fine since I obviously get pregnant and stay pregnant but this is a whole new ball game.

I am optimistic that Monday things will be good and we can still transfer this month as planned. So everything need to "Think Thick!"

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Happy Lining Check

On 2/25 I drove over to Green Bay's Fertility Clinic to get my lining thickeness and hormone levels checked. My lining was at a 4 (which is right where it needs to be giving where I am in my cycle) I started Estrace that evening 2/25 which is used to start thickening the lining. It needs to be a 10 to transfer (This varies by doctors I'm told). I will go back on 3/10 for another check and my lining should be pretty darn close to a 10.

The doc was running a little late so I was left unattended with the U/S machine and the magic perfect opportunity for a selfie :-) (ahhhh the little fun things in life!)

Our transfer date was changed to 3/18. This is so Dr. Scott himself can do the transfer. We want EVERYTHING in our favor. My IM booked our flights, we are leaving 3/16!  :-D

My meds will change again on 3/3, then back to Green Bay on 3/10!

T minus 19 days!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Started Meds

While Jason and I were in Jamaica I got my shipment of meds! The box was WAY larger than I thought it was going to be! Since I like to be organized I went and got a Tupperware container from Wal-Mart and got everything in order. I also picked up 3 pregnancy tests. Seems more complete with them on the top :-) Plus, I am in a Surro Facebook group of  Jan/Feb/March 2014 transfers, we are all #POAS Pushers (Pee on a stick) its actually very entertaining! Some of their IP's want to know the results and some wait until the Beta test. I will probably need more than 3, some of the girls start testing 4 days post transfer and then every 12 hours!! Then they move on to the Clear Blue tests with the week predictors so they can attempt to guess betas and the number of babies (A high beta sometimes indicates multiples) Its just a little entertainment considering everything that goes into having a baby for someone else.

My first Lupron injection was easy breezy. I had an audience and I was totally freaked. Jason was staring at me, My little sister had her hands over her mouth, My oldest daughter is practically crying and my youngest said "Hurry up mama just do it!!! I could feel myself getting hot and red, She then goes; oh no you are getting all red! LOL Ummm I don't usually poke myself with needles! They all counted to 3 and I shoved it in....Then thought, THATS IT??? Totally harmless. I am actually looking forward to tonight's injection. :-D

Blood work and ultrasound is on Feb. 25th in Green Bay :-D

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Yay For Dates!

Our Transfer date should be March 15th!!! :-)

There are a lot of variables before this can happen but that's our tentative plan. I will start my Lupron injections on the 17th. Then between February 17th and March 10th I will have a few appointments to see if my meds needs to be adjusted and check to see how thick my lining is. The lining  needs to be nice and thick in order to do the transfer.

Things are certainly getting more real now and exciting!! Of course I had to calculate a due date if we have a successful 3/15 transfer and that would mean a due date around December 1st. :-)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Legal is DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After what seemed like forever our contract is officially signed and notification sent to the clinic!!! :-) This means we will FINALLY get a  med schedule!! We hope to have one by the end of the week.  ***HAPPY DANCE***

We plan to start meds right when we get home from Jamaica, which would mean we will be transferring early March. March will be a good month since my both my IM and I are March babies. There should be some automatic good vibes for us :-)

I wanted to apologize for the lack of blogging the last few weeks. My dad passed away on January 11th.  He was very healthy and took great care of himself so when he literally fell over dead it was extremely unexpected and a shock. We are still waiting on a cause of death today.

His death was by far the hardest thing I have dealt with in my life. My Dad and I were so close, we saw each other all the time. He will be greatly missed and I think about him all the time. My whole surro journey really began with my Dad when he told me I shouldn't just be an egg donor and that I should be a surrogate. He was so excited to meet my IP's and see my growing belly. He will be watching over us from above now. I have lots of Faith that this journey is going to be a great one, ending with a baby (or two!) for 2 amazing, well deserving people!