Monday, July 28, 2014

18+ weeks!

Sorry for Slacking! Here is my update :-D

Time is flying! I am 18w 4 days. This pic was taken @ 18 weeks.

 All is well. Had an OB Apt on Friday. Heart rate was 154. I had the UTI from freakin hell. I told Dr Bell I was counting down the hours to see him so I could get some drugs. He gave me some funky bladder numbing medication and an antibiotic. Bless his heart, it was so bad I could hardly walk!

I am beyond excited for 8/4! We have our Ultrasound apt. We will get to confirm she is a she and that everything is A-Ok. Then I have her co sleeper to put together and some clothes shopping to do. But I am going to wait until Monday just to be sure :-)

I am feeling her move more and more which is nice. Usually in the morning she is all balled up to one side which is weird. :-)

I am going to try to talk Dr Bell into inducing me on 12/19...I think he will (He better! LOL) Hospital policy is not before 39 weeks so I will just make the cut off at 39w2d

Thats about all for now.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

15 Week Heartbeat and Belly Pic

I just love this sound so much! Its great that you can listen to the baby at home, especially for control freak me where 4 weeks is way too long between appointments! I went a little overboard on the ultrasound gel so ignore my sloppy tummy ;-)
I am trying to figure out how to put all my belly pics under one blog post and still keep them in order since its nice to compare them. (I doubt I will be saying that when I'm 38 weeks! LOL)
I have found my office is the ideal location for belly pics...Its always clean, I'm always there and the walls are pretty!