Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Almost 34 Weeks! Its been a while!!

Its been a while since I updated my blog! So here goes.....Follow up ultrasound to check on babies placenta went great! The cord is far enough from the edge of the placenta that we wont have any issues. My placenta does have an extra little "lobe" on it that they will need to be sure gets delivered  but otherwise she is good to go!

I don't even think I announced her name to the blog world, But its Aria Locklyn. I think it goes well with Akadia and Alea and I didn't want her to be the odd ball out without an A name :-)

Here is a pic of her..isn't she cute?!?!?! (appox 30 weeks)

We got tons of Maternity Pics taken, I did a little mini session with the birth photographer and then Jason and I did some together with Jen @ Ruby Photographer and then I did more with Jen alone. Here are 2 that I got back so far. I will share more once I get them!

Here are my 32 week Belly pics. 

We went back to the ultrasound place in town to see if we could get a better look at Aria, but now instead of being in a ball she has a face full of placenta!! 

I will be 34 weeks tomorrow (thurs) I have an apt then as well. I am excited to be getting closer!!!