Saturday, September 20, 2014

26+ Week Update

Moving right along.... Just over 26 weeks now. I had a little trip to the birthing center Thurs to check for leaking amniotic fluid, but thankfully I wasn't. Baby was good, bouncing all around in there.

Tues I am going to go meet a birth photographer and Friday I have an OB apt, I will have my glucose test then as well. So a busy baby week ahead.

26 weeks

I don't think they could strap me in any tighter! And I cant wait to put my belly ring back in! LOL

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Quick update

Seems like forever since I have been to the doctor!! I like Dr. Bell's hands off , keep your pants on approach to pregnancy. LOL I finally go back on the 26th :-) I will be 26 weeks on Thursday! Only 94 days to go!!! :-)

I started my Placenta Encapsulation training. Its so interesting. I am super excited to get my first placenta!!! LOL Ahhh the things that excite me!

Anyways, is was my 24 week pic...I will take another on Thursday @ 26 weeks (She has certainly grew since this picture!!!)   :-)