Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Available Uterus

I have a uterus up for grabs if anyone wants it. My lining was a 3.2 mm mid cycle…I was taking OPKs but never got a peak reading, look at these things, they are all over the place.

 However, the ultrasound confirmed I had 11 follicles on the left side and 4 on the right, with a dominate egg on both sides. Which meant I was going to ovulate soon (The lining is thickest right before ovulation) Weird thing is I was still only getting high readings (not a peak) for 5 days AFTER the u/s. Then I ran out of OPK’s so I stopped testing. Lining can naturally thicken a lot in 5 days so I maybe should have waited a few days to go in?? Who knows,  but on the plus side the fluid was gone, and I know my body works :-)  

My IPs choose to find a new surrogate. I was honestly expecting it but I was still sad to hear, especially since we spent 6 months getting here to only try once. I know lots of ladies who are on try 3 and 4 L I do wish them the best of luck because I know they want this more than anything, plus they are awesome people. We plan to stay in touch and remain friends J  My agency, IM and I all agree that my IUD was the culprit of this. I was on it for a long time and it thins out the lining of the uterus to prevent anything from sticking to it. (Which it obviously did what it was intended to do) It can take a few natural cycles to rebuild the lining. I am going on natural cycle 2. Hoping for a good one!

So now I wait to for another cycle and new IPs to come along J