As you all know my Blood Pressure woes.....Dr. Scott wanted me to get 3 readings within 10 days...Well he wasn't very specific in his timing of these readings so I went 3 days in a row. All were great. When his nurse called me on Friday she said Dr. Scott wants one more reading on Monday or Tues since you went 3 days in a row (apparently he didn't want that) and then we are good to go.
Really?? Well, he should have specified specific days, but oh well fine I will go in again. Thankfully the people at Rhinelander Hospital have been awesome with all this! I was planning on going in Monday but everyone is sick in this household and I woke up Monday morning feeling absolutely terrible! So I went in this morning....Drumroll PLEASE.....118/70 :-)
I txted my IM right as I was walking to the truck :-) She was soooooooo happy. She called and we talked for a few minutes. I cant wait until she calls her husband and tells him the good news! As silly as this sounds this blood pressure reading is seriously the best gift I could give!!!!
I sent off the reading to RMA. I am sure they will call Thurs or Friday but this is what they were looking for!!
**************HAPPY DANCE************
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Trip to NJ/NY
Wow where do I even begin??? We arrived in Newark NJ at about 5pm it was a super short 2 hour flight. The shuttle took us to the hotel and we stayed there til morning. I was trying hard to sleep but I just couldn’t, I was excited, scared, and nervous all in once. I got maybe 2 hours of sleep the first night. My IM was going to meet us in the lobby at 6:45am to drive us to the clinic. This was our time meeting in person.
I woke up (if you want to call it that since I really didn’t sleep) and I was sooooo nervous, my hands were shaking. I am not a nervous person and usually never have any issues meeting someone. This was different, very different. I am meeting someone with every intention of having THEIR baby!!! Ahhhhh so this whole new level of nervousness was very new to me! We walk down to the lobby right at 6:45, Then I get a txt from my IM that she was running just a few minutes late, so I took this opportunity to tell her how nervous I was via a txt. She said she was too so that eased the nerves a little.
My IM walks in she is cute! Short, blond just like all the pics I have seen. We hug each other and there were already some tears…Whew the hard part is over. We get in the car and head to the clinic it's about a 40ish minute drive from the hotel. We talked about random things and what was going to happen during the day. We stopped at Starbucks, I ordered a salted caramel mocha…(This will come into play later…)
The clinic, RMA is very nice. Three floors, top of the line everything. The waiting room itself was super impressive. We waited in the waiting room for a very short period of time then Jason and I were called back by the social worker. B the social worker was very nice. Super personable, I felt like I’ve known her my whole life. We talked a lot why I am doing this, what Jason thinks, my family etc. Jason then left to take a personality test while I stayed with B. B and I spoke about my childhood, my parents and sisters. Again it felt so comfortable telling her everything. We spent maybe 30 minutes together then I rejoined Jason and did my portion of this personality test.
Once I was done with my personality test the nurse came in to talk with Jason and I about the meds I will be taking. She showed me how to do the Lupron shots and then the Estrogen shots which Jason will have to give me since you give them above your butt and the needle is pretty substantial! I was hoping to get a calendar with dates to start meds but the nurse didn’t have one for me yet L
The meeting with the nurse was pretty short maybe 20 mins then she took us to the other side of the clinic. We walked past my IM in the waiting room, however I didn’t see her. Then we get in by the doctor and Jason asks why I didn’t say hi to her…Well I didn’t see her!!! Felt terrible!! So this short little nurse comes in and takes my BP…Its High. I have never had issues with high BP in my life. She took it a few times and it was still high. She says they will just take it again later. She proceeds to show me all this crazy stuff they will be using to look at my uterus; I signed a waiver for the procedure, she left and I got undressed .The doctor comes in, and I remember my Nuva Ring is in still, I was like oh my Nuva ring is up there still…He says oh just take it out quick…Ummm did he not see the 5 other people in the room!?!?!? (Rise in BP maybe?!?!) Of course I don’t ask questions and I just take it out. So now we can proceed with the procedure. He looks at my cervix-good, uterus-Beautiful and then put saline in my uterus, again its perfect J So my body is perfect with the exception of this BP issue. I get dressed they retake my BP, again its high…Errrrr At this point I am angry with myself I know I don’t have BP issues and I just want it to be normal.
We left go get some lunch, we had maybe an hour or so. This was the first I ate all day. I had a salad and some soup it was yummy. I was hoping the break from the clinic would lower my BP. We got to talk about the little embryo’s. It’s pretty much been decided we will be transferring the girl and whichever boy looks better. We should have about an 80% change of one/both of them sticking. When we got back to the clinic Jason was taken back to talk with B since he didn’t get a chance to talk to him alone. My IM went off to talk with the finance dept and I sat alone in the waiting room trying to lower my BP….Nurse comes and gets me, checks it again...High… Seriously WTH words really can’t describe how I felt every time that dumb ass machine beeped and it wasn’t what I wanted. So back to the waiting room I go. My IM comes out she is done with her meeting, of course I have to tell her the bad news my BP was high again. (Talk about a letdown for both of us) The doctor told us to hold off on the legal contracts until I get some BP readings at home L
B comes out to get us after she is done with Jason. All 3 of us go to talk to B. She just wanted to make sure we all were on the same page with termination, reduction, diet etc. I asked the results of the personality test and mine came back that I’m obsessive compulsive…Ummmm ya think?? LOL And Jason well (this is no joke) he came back perfect!!! His was very normal. I laughed because of course he would be perfect! LOL (I still giggle about it!) We got a few words over the phone from our IF. It’s about a 9.5 hour difference where he is so he was woken up but at least he was a part of the conversation for a few minutes. Once we finished with B, I had to go get my BP taken yet again. This must be #15! Finally I get a nurse and she says they need to leave you alone it’s only going to make it worse!! I just think….THANKYOU at least someone feels for me!! She takes it again high, I said maybe that machine is broke; she got another still high…Errrrr whatever. So now I have to get my BP taken 3 times within 10 days and get it over to RMA.
We left the Clinic our IM drove us back to the hotel. We were planning a day in NYC the next day, I was very excited for this! We were picked up about 11:00 on Friday to start our day and boy what a day it was!! It was beyond awesome to be shown around NYC with someone so familiar with the area. We got some awesome pics and really got to see a heck of a lot of the city in a day! NYC Traffic=crazy!!! OMG glad I wasn’t driving. She dropped us off near Times Square so she could find a place to pack…Took her about a hour to find somewhere. I was getting worried, But she txted me and we meet up again. J Here is a list of everywhere we went! (Compliments of my IM since there is no way I would have remembered everything!!)
- Times Square
- Rockefeller Center (tree during daytime)
- Empire State Building
- passed by NY Public Library
- Bryant Park (where the gift vendors were)
- Flatiron Building & Madison Square Park (with surprise visit from my IM’s sister at her office nearby)
- 9/11 memorial & Ground Zero
- Trinity Church
- Brooklyn Bridge Park (photoshoot w skyline)
- pizza at Grimaldi's
- hot cocoa/chai at Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory
- Water Taxi across the East River
- Walked near Chrysler Building
- Walked through Grand Central Terminal
- Rockefeller Center at night with video projection on Saks Fifth Avenue building façade
- Robert Indiana's famous Love sculpture <3
-I traveled across the US to meet someone to have their baby
-I slept maybe 2 hours the night before-I didn’t eat
-Had a salted caramel mocha
-They showed me scary needles that Jason is going to poke me with
-They made me take out my Nuva ring in front of everyone
-And I was just nervous! Heck this is a pretty personal intimate thing! Jason was very involved (Keep in mind he doesn’t have any kids so I’m scared how he is going to respond, granted I did prep him for everything)
I am so excited to move forward and get the show on the road. If all goes as planned we are planning on a transfer in Feb of 2 little Embies that will hopefully stick and make my IP’s some very happy people!
Here are some photos from our trip! (They are out of order since the blog isn't very photo friendly)

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