As you all know my Blood Pressure woes.....Dr. Scott wanted me to get 3 readings within 10 days...Well he wasn't very specific in his timing of these readings so I went 3 days in a row. All were great. When his nurse called me on Friday she said Dr. Scott wants one more reading on Monday or Tues since you went 3 days in a row (apparently he didn't want that) and then we are good to go.
Really?? Well, he should have specified specific days, but oh well fine I will go in again. Thankfully the people at Rhinelander Hospital have been awesome with all this! I was planning on going in Monday but everyone is sick in this household and I woke up Monday morning feeling absolutely terrible! So I went in this morning....Drumroll PLEASE.....118/70 :-)
I txted my IM right as I was walking to the truck :-) She was soooooooo happy. She called and we talked for a few minutes. I cant wait until she calls her husband and tells him the good news! As silly as this sounds this blood pressure reading is seriously the best gift I could give!!!!
I sent off the reading to RMA. I am sure they will call Thurs or Friday but this is what they were looking for!!
**************HAPPY DANCE************
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Trip to NJ/NY
Wow where do I even begin??? We arrived in Newark NJ at about 5pm it was a super short 2 hour flight. The shuttle took us to the hotel and we stayed there til morning. I was trying hard to sleep but I just couldn’t, I was excited, scared, and nervous all in once. I got maybe 2 hours of sleep the first night. My IM was going to meet us in the lobby at 6:45am to drive us to the clinic. This was our time meeting in person.
I woke up (if you want to call it that since I really didn’t sleep) and I was sooooo nervous, my hands were shaking. I am not a nervous person and usually never have any issues meeting someone. This was different, very different. I am meeting someone with every intention of having THEIR baby!!! Ahhhhh so this whole new level of nervousness was very new to me! We walk down to the lobby right at 6:45, Then I get a txt from my IM that she was running just a few minutes late, so I took this opportunity to tell her how nervous I was via a txt. She said she was too so that eased the nerves a little.
My IM walks in she is cute! Short, blond just like all the pics I have seen. We hug each other and there were already some tears…Whew the hard part is over. We get in the car and head to the clinic it's about a 40ish minute drive from the hotel. We talked about random things and what was going to happen during the day. We stopped at Starbucks, I ordered a salted caramel mocha…(This will come into play later…)
The clinic, RMA is very nice. Three floors, top of the line everything. The waiting room itself was super impressive. We waited in the waiting room for a very short period of time then Jason and I were called back by the social worker. B the social worker was very nice. Super personable, I felt like I’ve known her my whole life. We talked a lot why I am doing this, what Jason thinks, my family etc. Jason then left to take a personality test while I stayed with B. B and I spoke about my childhood, my parents and sisters. Again it felt so comfortable telling her everything. We spent maybe 30 minutes together then I rejoined Jason and did my portion of this personality test.
Once I was done with my personality test the nurse came in to talk with Jason and I about the meds I will be taking. She showed me how to do the Lupron shots and then the Estrogen shots which Jason will have to give me since you give them above your butt and the needle is pretty substantial! I was hoping to get a calendar with dates to start meds but the nurse didn’t have one for me yet L
The meeting with the nurse was pretty short maybe 20 mins then she took us to the other side of the clinic. We walked past my IM in the waiting room, however I didn’t see her. Then we get in by the doctor and Jason asks why I didn’t say hi to her…Well I didn’t see her!!! Felt terrible!! So this short little nurse comes in and takes my BP…Its High. I have never had issues with high BP in my life. She took it a few times and it was still high. She says they will just take it again later. She proceeds to show me all this crazy stuff they will be using to look at my uterus; I signed a waiver for the procedure, she left and I got undressed .The doctor comes in, and I remember my Nuva Ring is in still, I was like oh my Nuva ring is up there still…He says oh just take it out quick…Ummm did he not see the 5 other people in the room!?!?!? (Rise in BP maybe?!?!) Of course I don’t ask questions and I just take it out. So now we can proceed with the procedure. He looks at my cervix-good, uterus-Beautiful and then put saline in my uterus, again its perfect J So my body is perfect with the exception of this BP issue. I get dressed they retake my BP, again its high…Errrrr At this point I am angry with myself I know I don’t have BP issues and I just want it to be normal.
We left go get some lunch, we had maybe an hour or so. This was the first I ate all day. I had a salad and some soup it was yummy. I was hoping the break from the clinic would lower my BP. We got to talk about the little embryo’s. It’s pretty much been decided we will be transferring the girl and whichever boy looks better. We should have about an 80% change of one/both of them sticking. When we got back to the clinic Jason was taken back to talk with B since he didn’t get a chance to talk to him alone. My IM went off to talk with the finance dept and I sat alone in the waiting room trying to lower my BP….Nurse comes and gets me, checks it again...High… Seriously WTH words really can’t describe how I felt every time that dumb ass machine beeped and it wasn’t what I wanted. So back to the waiting room I go. My IM comes out she is done with her meeting, of course I have to tell her the bad news my BP was high again. (Talk about a letdown for both of us) The doctor told us to hold off on the legal contracts until I get some BP readings at home L
B comes out to get us after she is done with Jason. All 3 of us go to talk to B. She just wanted to make sure we all were on the same page with termination, reduction, diet etc. I asked the results of the personality test and mine came back that I’m obsessive compulsive…Ummmm ya think?? LOL And Jason well (this is no joke) he came back perfect!!! His was very normal. I laughed because of course he would be perfect! LOL (I still giggle about it!) We got a few words over the phone from our IF. It’s about a 9.5 hour difference where he is so he was woken up but at least he was a part of the conversation for a few minutes. Once we finished with B, I had to go get my BP taken yet again. This must be #15! Finally I get a nurse and she says they need to leave you alone it’s only going to make it worse!! I just think….THANKYOU at least someone feels for me!! She takes it again high, I said maybe that machine is broke; she got another still high…Errrrr whatever. So now I have to get my BP taken 3 times within 10 days and get it over to RMA.
We left the Clinic our IM drove us back to the hotel. We were planning a day in NYC the next day, I was very excited for this! We were picked up about 11:00 on Friday to start our day and boy what a day it was!! It was beyond awesome to be shown around NYC with someone so familiar with the area. We got some awesome pics and really got to see a heck of a lot of the city in a day! NYC Traffic=crazy!!! OMG glad I wasn’t driving. She dropped us off near Times Square so she could find a place to pack…Took her about a hour to find somewhere. I was getting worried, But she txted me and we meet up again. J Here is a list of everywhere we went! (Compliments of my IM since there is no way I would have remembered everything!!)
- Times Square
- Rockefeller Center (tree during daytime)
- Empire State Building
- passed by NY Public Library
- Bryant Park (where the gift vendors were)
- Flatiron Building & Madison Square Park (with surprise visit from my IM’s sister at her office nearby)
- 9/11 memorial & Ground Zero
- Trinity Church
- Brooklyn Bridge Park (photoshoot w skyline)
- pizza at Grimaldi's
- hot cocoa/chai at Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory
- Water Taxi across the East River
- Walked near Chrysler Building
- Walked through Grand Central Terminal
- Rockefeller Center at night with video projection on Saks Fifth Avenue building façade
- Robert Indiana's famous Love sculpture <3
-I traveled across the US to meet someone to have their baby
-I slept maybe 2 hours the night before-I didn’t eat
-Had a salted caramel mocha
-They showed me scary needles that Jason is going to poke me with
-They made me take out my Nuva ring in front of everyone
-And I was just nervous! Heck this is a pretty personal intimate thing! Jason was very involved (Keep in mind he doesn’t have any kids so I’m scared how he is going to respond, granted I did prep him for everything)
I am so excited to move forward and get the show on the road. If all goes as planned we are planning on a transfer in Feb of 2 little Embies that will hopefully stick and make my IP’s some very happy people!
Here are some photos from our trip! (They are out of order since the blog isn't very photo friendly)

Monday, November 25, 2013
Pre Trip Call with the Doctor
Oh my goodness I cant believe its been a month already! I waited a long time for this call so its GREAT things are moving forward!
Dr. Scott from RMA was very nice. It was our first time speaking. He said he already knows my life story so he wanted to address any of my questions and concerns before Jason and I made the trip. Of course my first question was timeframes, this he couldn't answer since he wont know where I am in my cycle until they see me on the 12th. BUT knowing what I know about my body and this Nuva ring in there currently (Sorry TMI??) I would think pending we get our legal contracts done, I am thinking a late January Transfer. Subject to change of course since I don't make the rules and the clinic wants me to put in a new nuva right away so I don't know how that's going to affect things :-) I asked him how many GS he has denied after the all day apt, he said is super rare and we wouldn't have gotten as far as we had if they were concerned about my ability to carry a baby.
We talked about meds...There are 2 phases, the first phase which starts during the Luteal Phase (Middle part of the second half of the cycle) this is where I give myself an injection call Lupron (Prevents ovulation), some of the needles I have seen and read about are normal and other are these spring loaded MONSTER needles. Good thing I don't think I will have any issues...well maybe the first shot! The 2nd phase is just more meds. The embryo transfer is done during the 2nd phase of meds. All the specifics about the meds will be planned out when I go to the clinic.
My IM wanted me to ask about acupuncture and if it would help. The Doctor said I should; "Absolutely do it! It increases implantation rates by 5%!!!" Very interesting! I have never gotten it done but its something that I will certainly do if I will help us bring a baby into the world! So I need to start checking into places around here. He recommends a day or 2 before the transfer and a day or 2 after. Of course it wont hurt to do it even more than that.
When we are at the clinic I will have a Saline Sonogram, blood tests, a psych. eval and just go over the logistics behind everything.
Only 16 days until we leave for New York (But who's counting?!?!?) Flights and Hotels are booked and I will finally get it meet my IM for the first time in person! Our IF is overseas so unfortunately I wont get to meet him just yet :-(
Sept 19th is when I started this whole endeavor and I must say in the last 3+ months I have meet some pretty awesome people and I am so happy to be apart of this crazy journey!
Dr. Scott from RMA was very nice. It was our first time speaking. He said he already knows my life story so he wanted to address any of my questions and concerns before Jason and I made the trip. Of course my first question was timeframes, this he couldn't answer since he wont know where I am in my cycle until they see me on the 12th. BUT knowing what I know about my body and this Nuva ring in there currently (Sorry TMI??) I would think pending we get our legal contracts done, I am thinking a late January Transfer. Subject to change of course since I don't make the rules and the clinic wants me to put in a new nuva right away so I don't know how that's going to affect things :-) I asked him how many GS he has denied after the all day apt, he said is super rare and we wouldn't have gotten as far as we had if they were concerned about my ability to carry a baby.
We talked about meds...There are 2 phases, the first phase which starts during the Luteal Phase (Middle part of the second half of the cycle) this is where I give myself an injection call Lupron (Prevents ovulation), some of the needles I have seen and read about are normal and other are these spring loaded MONSTER needles. Good thing I don't think I will have any issues...well maybe the first shot! The 2nd phase is just more meds. The embryo transfer is done during the 2nd phase of meds. All the specifics about the meds will be planned out when I go to the clinic.
When we are at the clinic I will have a Saline Sonogram, blood tests, a psych. eval and just go over the logistics behind everything.
Only 16 days until we leave for New York (But who's counting?!?!?) Flights and Hotels are booked and I will finally get it meet my IM for the first time in person! Our IF is overseas so unfortunately I wont get to meet him just yet :-(
Sept 19th is when I started this whole endeavor and I must say in the last 3+ months I have meet some pretty awesome people and I am so happy to be apart of this crazy journey!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Babies Babies Babies....
Can we transfer yet??? I am so not a patient person! Yesterday I had a call with the Social Worker @ RMA. She was very nice, it lasted all but 18 minutes, I was expecting a much longer call. She asked me a few questions; why I am doing this, who is my support system and a few questions about my girls and Jason. We discussed multiples and if I had spoke to my IP's about that. Which of course we have. Its typical for this particular clinic to transfer 2 embryos, so we will hopefully end up with at least one baby but no more than 2. If one or both of the embryos split we will reduce the pregnancy down to 2 (which we have already discussed). I am actually super excited at the thought of getting to carry twins but we will let nature take its course and hope for at least 1 healthy baby :-)
Now that the call with the social worker is over, the next thing on my agenda is a call with the doctor at RMA. That will happen on 11/25. My IP's and agency have begun setting up travel arrangements for Jason and I for our All Day apt on 12/12 (hhhummm 12/12....That should be a lucky day!!!)
We are picking out our OB @ Aspirus in Wausau, WI. They have a level 3 NICU onsite (a good idea with multiples), they are close to the airport and they deal with Surro's! Seems like a no brainer for us!
We are moving right along....But lets get this baby/babies growing already!!!
Now that the call with the social worker is over, the next thing on my agenda is a call with the doctor at RMA. That will happen on 11/25. My IP's and agency have begun setting up travel arrangements for Jason and I for our All Day apt on 12/12 (hhhummm 12/12....That should be a lucky day!!!)
We are picking out our OB @ Aspirus in Wausau, WI. They have a level 3 NICU onsite (a good idea with multiples), they are close to the airport and they deal with Surro's! Seems like a no brainer for us!
We are moving right along....But lets get this baby/babies growing already!!!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Making Progress
We are getting closer!!!
RMA has all the paperwork they need from me. I got a clean bill of health on my pap last week. I have a phone conference with the Social Worker at RMA on Monday (Oct 28) It should about a 30 min phone call, I think they just want to feel me out, learn a little about my personality etc. (Make sure I'm not crazy! LOL) Then, the next apt is also a phone call with the Doctor at RMA on Nov 25th. I am really excited to hear everything he has to say!! On Dec 12th we have a tentative "All Day" appointment in NJ @ RMA for myself, Jason, and my IP's (only the Mom will be there since the Dad is oversees ) I am so excited to get to meet her in person!!! At the All Day Apt We will get to meet with the Social worker, the doctor, they will do tests on my uterus, drug testing, blood tests, ect. It will take about a week to get the results from everything that goes on during this very busy day. Once we have everything back we should be able to plan out timeframe for the transfer....BUT as of now we are thinking Late Jan, Early Feb as long as we don't have any delays!!! While all the above is happing we will be working on having our legal contracts drawn up and executed :-) So exciting!!! Its taken me months to get to this point and its been an even longer journey for my IP's!
I have to share this story....I started using some "Mama Bee Belly butter" to help prep my tummy to carry a baby. We were at a hotel this weekend and my Daughter needed some lotion, since this was all I had I told her to use it...She is 8 so she can read, she looks at it and goes "Belly Butter?? Ummmm mom why are you putting Butter on your belly?!?!?! That's really weird!" I said; oh honey its to help my tummy stretch to fit a baby. She shakes her head and goes "but butter???" Oh I get a kick out of that kid! Meanwhile, my Youngest is standing there waiting for the conversation to be over then she taps my belly and goes "Mama is "B's" baby in there yet???" :-)
So everything is moving right along....I was looking at some old pictures of me being pregnant with the girls and I am certainly ready to have that belly again!! :-) Its going to be such a cool experience and already has been so far!
RMA has all the paperwork they need from me. I got a clean bill of health on my pap last week. I have a phone conference with the Social Worker at RMA on Monday (Oct 28) It should about a 30 min phone call, I think they just want to feel me out, learn a little about my personality etc. (Make sure I'm not crazy! LOL) Then, the next apt is also a phone call with the Doctor at RMA on Nov 25th. I am really excited to hear everything he has to say!! On Dec 12th we have a tentative "All Day" appointment in NJ @ RMA for myself, Jason, and my IP's (only the Mom will be there since the Dad is oversees ) I am so excited to get to meet her in person!!! At the All Day Apt We will get to meet with the Social worker, the doctor, they will do tests on my uterus, drug testing, blood tests, ect. It will take about a week to get the results from everything that goes on during this very busy day. Once we have everything back we should be able to plan out timeframe for the transfer....BUT as of now we are thinking Late Jan, Early Feb as long as we don't have any delays!!! While all the above is happing we will be working on having our legal contracts drawn up and executed :-) So exciting!!! Its taken me months to get to this point and its been an even longer journey for my IP's!
I have to share this story....I started using some "Mama Bee Belly butter" to help prep my tummy to carry a baby. We were at a hotel this weekend and my Daughter needed some lotion, since this was all I had I told her to use it...She is 8 so she can read, she looks at it and goes "Belly Butter?? Ummmm mom why are you putting Butter on your belly?!?!?! That's really weird!" I said; oh honey its to help my tummy stretch to fit a baby. She shakes her head and goes "but butter???" Oh I get a kick out of that kid! Meanwhile, my Youngest is standing there waiting for the conversation to be over then she taps my belly and goes "Mama is "B's" baby in there yet???" :-)
So everything is moving right along....I was looking at some old pictures of me being pregnant with the girls and I am certainly ready to have that belly again!! :-) Its going to be such a cool experience and already has been so far!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Best News Ever!!!
I finally got the GREAT NEWS!!! I was APPROVED by RMA (The Fertility clinic) to carry for my IP's!!!! Yesterday I was laying in bed as I do every morning and checked my email and Facebook...No emails from my IP or Pink&Blue...Dang it!! So I write up an email asking if they heard anything back. A few hours later as I am walking in to get some dog food and I get an email from the agency with the words APPROVED!!!! I was like OMG Happy Dance!!! I got some funny looks in the parking lot LOL But I am the queen of not caring what people think :-) I was just Soooooo happy!!! I txt my IP immediately and she replies back OMG I was just going to txt you!! I am so happy I could Cry!!! I said me too and if you were closer I'd hug you!!! :-D
The timing was perfect as I was headed to my clinic to get my IUD removed. As we are driving up to Minocqua, RMA calls me to talk and they needed to get my OB some docs to fill out and also ask me a few questions. 10 mins later I was with my OB and the RMA docs arrived :-)
My IUD came out painlessly. I am now on the Nuva Ring until RMA starts my Mock cycle ( I think they are going to be doing this, but I am not sure yet) I got some additional paperwork over to RMA that they needed. The next steps are: a phone conversation with the doctor and psychologist @ RMA, getting our legal contracts completed, an "All day" apt for Jason and I in NJ, the mock cycle, and then the TRANSFER!!!! :-)
I was able to Facetime with my IP's this past Sunday, The IF is active military and was getting deployed only about an hour after our conversation!! I was very happy I was able to see him before he left. Once our Facetime connected he got this HUGE smile on his face, words cant even describe how I felt :-)
I was able to ask them my burning question of are they going to transfer one or two embryos??? Our contract will allow to transfer up to 2 since that is what the agency and I discussed. Remember, they only have 3 frozen embryos (2 boys and a girl) . They decided to leave it up to the doctors discretion since we are dealing with one of the top clinics in the US, I put every ounce of trust in them as well. During my all day apt in NJ they will check my uterine lining, do lots of blood test, and other testing. Then at that point I think everyone can make an informed decision on 1 or 2 babies.
The timing was perfect as I was headed to my clinic to get my IUD removed. As we are driving up to Minocqua, RMA calls me to talk and they needed to get my OB some docs to fill out and also ask me a few questions. 10 mins later I was with my OB and the RMA docs arrived :-)
My IUD came out painlessly. I am now on the Nuva Ring until RMA starts my Mock cycle ( I think they are going to be doing this, but I am not sure yet) I got some additional paperwork over to RMA that they needed. The next steps are: a phone conversation with the doctor and psychologist @ RMA, getting our legal contracts completed, an "All day" apt for Jason and I in NJ, the mock cycle, and then the TRANSFER!!!! :-)
I was able to Facetime with my IP's this past Sunday, The IF is active military and was getting deployed only about an hour after our conversation!! I was very happy I was able to see him before he left. Once our Facetime connected he got this HUGE smile on his face, words cant even describe how I felt :-)
I was able to ask them my burning question of are they going to transfer one or two embryos??? Our contract will allow to transfer up to 2 since that is what the agency and I discussed. Remember, they only have 3 frozen embryos (2 boys and a girl) . They decided to leave it up to the doctors discretion since we are dealing with one of the top clinics in the US, I put every ounce of trust in them as well. During my all day apt in NJ they will check my uterine lining, do lots of blood test, and other testing. Then at that point I think everyone can make an informed decision on 1 or 2 babies.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
The Call.............
I was so nervous for this call with my potential Intended parents!! AND I am not a nervous person!!! LOL I just thought hummmm what if they don't like me, or my white glasses, or my hair or my house or my nose "sparkle?" (as my daughter would say) Our call time was 6:00 its now 6:01 and I am like oh god shes not calling she already doesn't like me!! 6:02 RIINNNGGG!!!! Ahhhhh ok maybe she does! I answer, and she right off the bat I like her! She was a little frazzled since she was running late getting home from work...Whew wasn't me!! :-)
We talked for about 2 hours....They have just been through soooo much that I cant not want to help! They have been through countless failed IVF's and random medical treatments all with no luck. So after many years of struggling they have turn to surrogacy and turned to me for help!!
Right now they have 3 frozen Embryos all genetically tested, 2 boys and a girl just wanting for a nice uterus to make them into a little person!!
So what's next? Turns out my IP's had a surro picked out in the past but she was medically turned down by the fertility clinic where the embryos are and where they would be transferred. (Which happens to be one of the top Clinic's in the country) They were devastated. I have been preliminary cleared by the clinic, they just need a few things from my OB which I got today so the agency will forward to the clinic for final review :-)
We talked for about 2 hours....They have just been through soooo much that I cant not want to help! They have been through countless failed IVF's and random medical treatments all with no luck. So after many years of struggling they have turn to surrogacy and turned to me for help!!
Right now they have 3 frozen Embryos all genetically tested, 2 boys and a girl just wanting for a nice uterus to make them into a little person!!
So what's next? Turns out my IP's had a surro picked out in the past but she was medically turned down by the fertility clinic where the embryos are and where they would be transferred. (Which happens to be one of the top Clinic's in the country) They were devastated. I have been preliminary cleared by the clinic, they just need a few things from my OB which I got today so the agency will forward to the clinic for final review :-)
Friday, October 4, 2013
Whats all this mean??
The World of Surrogacy brings along many words that you wouldn't usually encounter during a "normal" pregnancy. Below are some of those words explained.
This test aims to detect any chromosomal problems through the examination of the cells in the amniotic fluid around the baby. A doctor puts a needle though the belly and into the uterus to collect amniotic fluid. This test is done between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. Amniocentesis also can help find neural tube defects, such as Spina Bifida
Beta Testing
This is a fancy term for a pregnancy test. The blood test indicates whether a surrogate is pregnant approximately 10 days after the embryo transfer. It measures the levels of estradiol, progesterone, LH, and HCG to indicate pregnancy. If the first beta is positive, then the intended mother or surrogate goes for two additional tests. After three tests, she will go for a confirmation of heartbeat ultrasound that officially confirms pregnancy.
Blastocyst (“blast”)
Blastocyst is the last stage of development an embryo must reach before it is implanted in the uterine wall. Only about one third of the embryos become blastocysts Usually after five to six days of incubation.
Carrier Agreement
The Carrier Agreement is a legal contract between the surrogate and the intended parernts. The terms of the contract are negotiated by the parties through their legal representatives. Once the contract is signed, its terms will govern payments and other details. It is important for both the intended parents and the surrogate to read the contract carefully so that all conditions are understood.
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
Doctors can use this test to look at cells in the placenta. CVS can be performed between the 10th and 12th weeks of pregnancy. A doctor collects a sample of Chorionic Villus (Placental) cells by inserting a thin flexible tube (catheter) into the uterus though the vagina or by inserting a needle through the belly into the uterus. Similar to an amniocentesis, a CVS procedure can be used to find chromosomal birth defects, such as Down syndrome.
Cycle Schedule
Your IVF clinic creates this timeline, which lists important local monitoring appointment dates leading up to the embryo transfer.
An embryo is a fertilized egg. Embryos are cultured in a lab for two to five days before they are transferred to the surrogate on either day three or day five.
Embryo Cryopreservation
Embryo cryopreservation or embryo freezing offers a second chance to conceive from the first IVF treatment cycle. Not all intended parents who pursue IVF will have embryos left that are suitable for freezing.
Endometrial Biopsy
In this procedure, a doctor removes a tissue sample from the lining of the uterus and examines it under a microscope to detect any abnormal cells. This may occur following the surrogate’s initial medical screening.
Fresh Egg Transfer
In a fresh egg transfer, eggs are retrieved from the egg donor and then immediately fertilized. Based on their quality and grade, the resulting embryos can be transferred into the intended mother or surrogate on either day three or day five.
Frozen Egg Transfer
In a frozen egg transfer, a frozen egg, which is kept at a lab or IVF clinic, is thawed and then fertilized. The resulting embryo is then transferred into the surrogate on either day three or day five, based on its quality and grade.
Frozen Embryo Transfer
A frozen embryo transfer occurs when a frozen embryo (an already fertilized and frozen egg) is thawed and transferred into the intended mother or surrogate.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy by the cells that form the placenta. Levels can first be detected by a blood test about 11 days after conception. In general, after a successful embryo transfer, HCG Levels will double every 72 hours.
Invasive Procedure
According to most Carrier Agreements, a surrogate may be reimbursed for any procedure that she may require during the surrogacy that is considered “invasive.” This would include amniocentesis, CVS, abortion, cerclarge, surgical D& C, selective reduction, surgical removal of ectopic pregnancy, and/or any other invasive procedure related to surrogacy.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF )
A process by which eggs are fertilized by sperm outside the womb in a controlled environment: either a test tube or Petri dish.
IVF Clinic
A clinic, chosen by intended parents, that specializes in assisted reproductive technology. This clinic will perform the egg retrieval and embryo transfer. Also known as: IVF Center, Fertility Clinic, or Fertility Center.
Local Monitoring Clinic
The surrogate and/or egg donor will go to a local monitoring clinic for regular blood work and ultrasounds. We help locate a local monitoring clinic close to the surrogate’s and egg donor’s homes in an effort to reduce the number of visits needed to the intended parents’ IVF clinic.
Medical Screening
Medical screening occurs during a preliminary appointment at the intended parents’ IVF clinic and includes a check-up, testing, and education about IVF to help ensure that the surrogate and/or egg donor is ready and able to move forward.
Pre-Birth Order (PBO)
The term for a court judgment that is acquired before the birth of the child. Typically, it will require that your name(s) be placed on the initial birth certificate and allow you access to your child while he/she is in the hospital. The terms of the order are case-specific. A pre-birth order is only allowed in certain states and under certain conditions; therefore, it may not be appropriate or available for every situation.
Post- Birth Order
The term for a court issued order that is acquired after the birth of the child. Typically, it will place one or both of the intended parents on the birth certificate and remove the surrogate from the birth certificate. This generally terminates any parental rights the surrogate has to the child by virtue of giving birth. A post-birth order is not allowed in every state and may not be appropriate or available for every surrogacy arrangement.
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
PGD offers the opportunity to test a single cell from an eight-cell embryo for certain diseases caused by a mutation in a single gene prior to the embryo transfer procedure.
An ultrasound involves the use of high frequency sound waves to create images of organs and systems within the body. The machine sends out high frequency waves, which reflect off body structures. A computer receives these reflected waves and uses them to create a picture. In surrogacy, as in any pregnancy, an ultrasound is typically used to provide a picture of the baby in the surrogate’s uterus.
This test aims to detect any chromosomal problems through the examination of the cells in the amniotic fluid around the baby. A doctor puts a needle though the belly and into the uterus to collect amniotic fluid. This test is done between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. Amniocentesis also can help find neural tube defects, such as Spina Bifida
Beta Testing
This is a fancy term for a pregnancy test. The blood test indicates whether a surrogate is pregnant approximately 10 days after the embryo transfer. It measures the levels of estradiol, progesterone, LH, and HCG to indicate pregnancy. If the first beta is positive, then the intended mother or surrogate goes for two additional tests. After three tests, she will go for a confirmation of heartbeat ultrasound that officially confirms pregnancy.
Blastocyst (“blast”)
Blastocyst is the last stage of development an embryo must reach before it is implanted in the uterine wall. Only about one third of the embryos become blastocysts Usually after five to six days of incubation.
Carrier Agreement
The Carrier Agreement is a legal contract between the surrogate and the intended parernts. The terms of the contract are negotiated by the parties through their legal representatives. Once the contract is signed, its terms will govern payments and other details. It is important for both the intended parents and the surrogate to read the contract carefully so that all conditions are understood.
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
Doctors can use this test to look at cells in the placenta. CVS can be performed between the 10th and 12th weeks of pregnancy. A doctor collects a sample of Chorionic Villus (Placental) cells by inserting a thin flexible tube (catheter) into the uterus though the vagina or by inserting a needle through the belly into the uterus. Similar to an amniocentesis, a CVS procedure can be used to find chromosomal birth defects, such as Down syndrome.
Cycle Schedule
Your IVF clinic creates this timeline, which lists important local monitoring appointment dates leading up to the embryo transfer.
An embryo is a fertilized egg. Embryos are cultured in a lab for two to five days before they are transferred to the surrogate on either day three or day five.
Embryo Cryopreservation
Embryo cryopreservation or embryo freezing offers a second chance to conceive from the first IVF treatment cycle. Not all intended parents who pursue IVF will have embryos left that are suitable for freezing.
Endometrial Biopsy
In this procedure, a doctor removes a tissue sample from the lining of the uterus and examines it under a microscope to detect any abnormal cells. This may occur following the surrogate’s initial medical screening.
Fresh Egg Transfer
In a fresh egg transfer, eggs are retrieved from the egg donor and then immediately fertilized. Based on their quality and grade, the resulting embryos can be transferred into the intended mother or surrogate on either day three or day five.
Frozen Egg Transfer
In a frozen egg transfer, a frozen egg, which is kept at a lab or IVF clinic, is thawed and then fertilized. The resulting embryo is then transferred into the surrogate on either day three or day five, based on its quality and grade.
Frozen Embryo Transfer
A frozen embryo transfer occurs when a frozen embryo (an already fertilized and frozen egg) is thawed and transferred into the intended mother or surrogate.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy by the cells that form the placenta. Levels can first be detected by a blood test about 11 days after conception. In general, after a successful embryo transfer, HCG Levels will double every 72 hours.
Invasive Procedure
According to most Carrier Agreements, a surrogate may be reimbursed for any procedure that she may require during the surrogacy that is considered “invasive.” This would include amniocentesis, CVS, abortion, cerclarge, surgical D& C, selective reduction, surgical removal of ectopic pregnancy, and/or any other invasive procedure related to surrogacy.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF )
A process by which eggs are fertilized by sperm outside the womb in a controlled environment: either a test tube or Petri dish.
IVF Clinic
A clinic, chosen by intended parents, that specializes in assisted reproductive technology. This clinic will perform the egg retrieval and embryo transfer. Also known as: IVF Center, Fertility Clinic, or Fertility Center.
Local Monitoring Clinic
The surrogate and/or egg donor will go to a local monitoring clinic for regular blood work and ultrasounds. We help locate a local monitoring clinic close to the surrogate’s and egg donor’s homes in an effort to reduce the number of visits needed to the intended parents’ IVF clinic.
Medical Screening
Medical screening occurs during a preliminary appointment at the intended parents’ IVF clinic and includes a check-up, testing, and education about IVF to help ensure that the surrogate and/or egg donor is ready and able to move forward.
Pre-Birth Order (PBO)
The term for a court judgment that is acquired before the birth of the child. Typically, it will require that your name(s) be placed on the initial birth certificate and allow you access to your child while he/she is in the hospital. The terms of the order are case-specific. A pre-birth order is only allowed in certain states and under certain conditions; therefore, it may not be appropriate or available for every situation.
Post- Birth Order
The term for a court issued order that is acquired after the birth of the child. Typically, it will place one or both of the intended parents on the birth certificate and remove the surrogate from the birth certificate. This generally terminates any parental rights the surrogate has to the child by virtue of giving birth. A post-birth order is not allowed in every state and may not be appropriate or available for every surrogacy arrangement.
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
PGD offers the opportunity to test a single cell from an eight-cell embryo for certain diseases caused by a mutation in a single gene prior to the embryo transfer procedure.
An ultrasound involves the use of high frequency sound waves to create images of organs and systems within the body. The machine sends out high frequency waves, which reflect off body structures. A computer receives these reflected waves and uses them to create a picture. In surrogacy, as in any pregnancy, an ultrasound is typically used to provide a picture of the baby in the surrogate’s uterus.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Opinions aside please...
Good lord people sure have
their opinions on what I should do with my life...This blog is what 2
days in and I have people wanting to school me on life? Last time I checked I could make my own decisions in life. I
have been there done that in relationships that didn't work out, where I
couldn't be the person I wanted to be in life. Where I wish I would have done things but was too scared too and never did.
I moved out of my parents house when I was 15 years old, I'm almost 28 years old now and a successful business owner who received ZERO help from my parents (By Zero I mean not one penny!!!!) ...I wasn't one of the blessed that got things handed to my on a silver platter. You work hard and try hard you will go far in life, you don't, you wont...Period. Simple as that.
This surrogacy journey is similar in many ways...Someone tries and tries tirelessly to have a child and they cant, over and over again they fail. Well there are solutions to everything you just have to find it.
I am someone's solution
I moved out of my parents house when I was 15 years old, I'm almost 28 years old now and a successful business owner who received ZERO help from my parents (By Zero I mean not one penny!!!!) ...I wasn't one of the blessed that got things handed to my on a silver platter. You work hard and try hard you will go far in life, you don't, you wont...Period. Simple as that.
This surrogacy journey is similar in many ways...Someone tries and tries tirelessly to have a child and they cant, over and over again they fail. Well there are solutions to everything you just have to find it.
I am someone's solution
Information overload!!!
I was totally shocked at how many Surro agencies are out there! I started with the HUGE worldwide companies I quickly found out that they treat their surro's like cattle...just herd them through to the next dept. and push them down the line. There are a lot of requirements to even become a have to meet their age requirements, have a healthy BMI, not be on govt assistance, have given birth, some agencies want insurance, some its not required. It certainly looks better for the IPs (Intended Parents) if the surrogate insurance since that is one less expense for them.
Speaking of expenses; I know everyone wants to know the fees, well the agencies have fees, the carries (surrogates) have fees, there are allowances for clothing, travel, housekeeping, lost wages and fees for the unforeseen items like multiples, miscarriage, transfer fees, selective reduction fees, ect. I am not too versed on the agency fees however the surrogate can usually set her price ranging from 20-25k for a first time surro without including any of the additional above fees or unforeseen items which get added on.
Given the high stakes for all involved, the agencies and IP's certainly have every right to be picky with who they want in their program. Once I got everything in order that the agencies require, my insurance, medical records, profile info, photos ect I was a registering machine with multiple companies...Some right off I bat I just thought, "oh my I do not agree with how these people do business!" and nicely told them I didn't want to proceed with the process. Turns out that my healthy body was in pretty high demand. So this all went on for about a month until I thought...Ok I need to step back and take a look at this a little differently. I am certainly not the "herding cattle" type and I want to have a personal relationship with the agency and the IP's because this is a pretty amazing thing! I started looking at WI agencies and I found 2 in WI and another in MN. I began talking to all 3, now remember I did this dance many times with these other huge agencies so at this point I had a decent handle on what was expected of me and what I was expecting from them.
When I exchanged emails with Pink and Blue surro I thought right away wow this women is on it!! She is passionate about what she does, gets back to me insanely fast and THIS is the type of person I want to have behind me in this journey! It all moved VERY VERY VERY Fast once we connected and she got all my info.
I was leaving to go out of state for a wedding and before I boarded the plane I got an email that said once she had my profile ready she already had IP's interested! Awesome news for me especially since I was ready to start as soon as I was matched :-)
Speaking of expenses; I know everyone wants to know the fees, well the agencies have fees, the carries (surrogates) have fees, there are allowances for clothing, travel, housekeeping, lost wages and fees for the unforeseen items like multiples, miscarriage, transfer fees, selective reduction fees, ect. I am not too versed on the agency fees however the surrogate can usually set her price ranging from 20-25k for a first time surro without including any of the additional above fees or unforeseen items which get added on.
Given the high stakes for all involved, the agencies and IP's certainly have every right to be picky with who they want in their program. Once I got everything in order that the agencies require, my insurance, medical records, profile info, photos ect I was a registering machine with multiple companies...Some right off I bat I just thought, "oh my I do not agree with how these people do business!" and nicely told them I didn't want to proceed with the process. Turns out that my healthy body was in pretty high demand. So this all went on for about a month until I thought...Ok I need to step back and take a look at this a little differently. I am certainly not the "herding cattle" type and I want to have a personal relationship with the agency and the IP's because this is a pretty amazing thing! I started looking at WI agencies and I found 2 in WI and another in MN. I began talking to all 3, now remember I did this dance many times with these other huge agencies so at this point I had a decent handle on what was expected of me and what I was expecting from them.
When I exchanged emails with Pink and Blue surro I thought right away wow this women is on it!! She is passionate about what she does, gets back to me insanely fast and THIS is the type of person I want to have behind me in this journey! It all moved VERY VERY VERY Fast once we connected and she got all my info.
I was leaving to go out of state for a wedding and before I boarded the plane I got an email that said once she had my profile ready she already had IP's interested! Awesome news for me especially since I was ready to start as soon as I was matched :-)
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
And So it begins
I am new to this whole blog thing but I am a typing machine and I enjoy sharing me experiences with other people so here goes nothing!!
To start I live in Northern WI. I am 27 years I got divorced in early 2012...Long story but it was for the best. I have 2 amazing yet sassy little girls, Ages 6 and 7. I own a local Real Estate office where I list and sell mostly bank owned property. I was the youngest person to purchase a RE/MAX Franchise (Thank you very much!) when I was 18 years old.
Surrogacy was something I have been interested in the past but due to my marriage situation it probably was a good thing I didn't pursue it. So here I am now in a great relationship with an amazing man and in a place in my life where I can do things I always wanted to do!
I was originally looking into egg donation but once I found out of many eggs they actually take...30-40 OMG I could technically have like 40 mini me's running around in random parts of the world and I would have no idea....Soooo ya no! Most of those egg donation sites have a section for surrogacy as well. Once I took the time to actually read about surrogacy and other peoples journeys I though hey both my pregnancies were easy breezy, ya I gained some weight but I did have a slight obsessions with McDonalds Chicken Nuggets and Little Debbie Brownies (Note to all: probably not the best thing to eat when you are pregnant! LOL) So all in all I could easily handle another pregnancy and give someone by far the coolest gift ever! My life is complete as far as the kids department goes. I have no interest in having any more of my own babies. I do, however LOVE to be pregnant!
So the signing up to become a surrogate began.....
To start I live in Northern WI. I am 27 years I got divorced in early 2012...Long story but it was for the best. I have 2 amazing yet sassy little girls, Ages 6 and 7. I own a local Real Estate office where I list and sell mostly bank owned property. I was the youngest person to purchase a RE/MAX Franchise (Thank you very much!) when I was 18 years old.
Surrogacy was something I have been interested in the past but due to my marriage situation it probably was a good thing I didn't pursue it. So here I am now in a great relationship with an amazing man and in a place in my life where I can do things I always wanted to do!
I was originally looking into egg donation but once I found out of many eggs they actually take...30-40 OMG I could technically have like 40 mini me's running around in random parts of the world and I would have no idea....Soooo ya no! Most of those egg donation sites have a section for surrogacy as well. Once I took the time to actually read about surrogacy and other peoples journeys I though hey both my pregnancies were easy breezy, ya I gained some weight but I did have a slight obsessions with McDonalds Chicken Nuggets and Little Debbie Brownies (Note to all: probably not the best thing to eat when you are pregnant! LOL) So all in all I could easily handle another pregnancy and give someone by far the coolest gift ever! My life is complete as far as the kids department goes. I have no interest in having any more of my own babies. I do, however LOVE to be pregnant!
So the signing up to become a surrogate began.....
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